Pocatello Population

About 67,000 people call Pocatello (55,000) and the adjoining community of Chubbuck (12,000) home. Several thousand more make residence in outlying rural communities including American Falls, Aberdeen, Rockland, Arbon Valley, Inkom, McCammon, Lava Hot Springs, Bancroft, Arimo, and Downey.


Historical Population

Pocatello traditionally enjoys a steady annual growth rate of about one percent—wonderful for attracting new businesses while allowing for appropriate planning and infrastructure growth. Pocatello has been spared the explosive growing pains of other Idaho communities in recent years, growing at a manageable pace while retaining its "small town" character. Refer to the chart below to analyze trends in growth over the past century in both Pocatello and Bannock County.


Census Year County Population Pocatello Population Population Change Annual Change
2010 82,839 54,255 +2,789 +0.5%
2000 75,565 51,466 +5,386 +1.2%
1990 66,026 46,080 -260 -0.1%
1980 65,421 46,340 +6,304 +1.6%
1970 52,200 40,036 +11,502 +4.0%
1960 49,342 28,534 +2,403 +0.9%
1950 41,745 26,131 +7,998 +4.4%
1940 34,759 18,133 +1,662 +1.0%
1930 31,266 16,471 +1,470 +1.0%
1920 27,532 15,001 +5,891 +6.5%
1910 19,242 9,110 +5,064 +12.5%
1900 11,702 4,046